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Press Release

PARKLON, "Air Bubble" play mat launching event by 31st!

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작성자 Parklon 댓글 조회 2,082 views 작성일 21-03-16



Parklon, a  mat  company,  announced on  the 16th that it  will hold an  event to  release its  playroom mat "Air Bubble" until  the 31st .

First, a  special free gift  event will be  held to  give Parklon Aller-end Nap Pads to all customers who purchased the air bubble released on the 1st .

In addition, a product evaluation  event was  held to  draw customers who bought air bubbles and  wrote product reviews to give  250 air  bubble playroom mats (3  people), four  seasons of Soomair  stroller liners (10 people), and mat cleaners (50 people ). For more information, visit Parklon Mall.

Air bubble is a product that enhances the usability of playroom mats by reinforcing six advantages such as sound insulation performance and durability. It has a 150cm basic width and a size lineup of up to 250cm long, so it can be used efficiently in a large space.

In addition, the fine-sized air hole design helps air circulation to increase cushioning and prolong cushion use. In addition, inter-floor noise generation can be reduced by up to 61% by combining a three-stage shock absorption technology consisting of a 4cm thickness and a cloud cell.

Safety tests such as radon  level tests and  KC Children's  Product Safety Special Act were also  passed.

A company official  said, "From the perspective of parenting parents, we tried to contain all the characteristics necessary for the playroom mat product,"  adding, "We also  focused our efforts on  product design so that there  is no  situation where we  give up the  interior for performance."  In addition to Parklon, puzzle mats and construction mats can be  found on the zero block  site.