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Press Release

PARKLON ZEROBLOCK, launched 2 New Noise mat ... Customer event!

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작성자 Parklon 댓글 조회 1,679 views 작성일 20-11-03



Zero Block, a  construction brand of Parklon  announced on  the 3rd that it has  released two new designs of the Bread Foam  Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) puzzle  mat. Unlike existing marble flooring, the new products are  "stone gray" that  embodies a  subtle stone  texture and "brown carpet" that feels soft and warm. Zero Block  will hold a  customer free gift  event until  the 30th to  commemorate the  launch of the new  product.

Customers who  purchase two new designs will be given a  "Washable Hot Water  Mat Linenbloom Gray (Queen)", and  all customers who  have bought the  existing design will be  provided with a thermal sofa  pad (color random) product.

During the  same period, there  will also be a  discount event for  professional construction costs .  It provides professional construction costs worth up to 400,000 won to customers who purchase new products at 50,000 won.An  official from the company  said , " Recently, due to  inquiries about floor  noise mats,  professional construction reservations are increasing," adding , " We have introduced a  new trendy  design to  meet  customer needs ." Details of the  new products  and events  can be  found in the  official Zero Block  mall.